Friday, February 11, 2022


When learning the intonation of different kinds of sentences in a language, it's important to pay attention to the stress, the relative loudness in a particular section of the sentence, depending on whether the sentence is affirmative, interrogative, etc. 

One difficulty language learners may face is the stress in individual words in certain languages.

This stress, phonetically speaking, is the emphasis given to a syllable of a word. In English, for example, multi-syllabic words have stress. The word banana has three syllables. All three syllables are not pronounced with the same stress; the second syllable (the first na) is given more intensity in utterance. This can be learned by practice, but it means practicing the pronunciation of individual words, so it may take a long time, but it is not difficult.

Matthieu, I was thinking of you when I wrote this. You know why.