Sunday, June 30, 2024


Here's the last paragraph of my memoir Reflections: A Journey of Transformation (2022):

"Now, I see my transformation, and I can’t believe what an intense life I’ve had. I'm grateful for my guardian angels, my dogs, and my true friends. I'm grateful for all the ugliness in my life, too. I can't have any regrets because without every single one of those lessons, I wouldn't be who I am — this version of me — today. I am grateful for where I am now, in this moment in time and space. I'm living my dream life, and I welcome every visitor, for each helps me become the person I am meant to be." 


Here's the preface of my memoir My Guest Book (2024):

“Someone I loved once gave me a box full of darkness. It took me years to understand that this, too, was a gift.”

Mary Oliver

Just as the most precious gifts from the universe often come in deceptive packaging, the guests from the invisible world passing through our hearts may appear in various cloaks. My Guest Book is a record of the guests I welcomed and entertained in 2023.


The final chapter of Reflections emphasizes the transformative power of embracing whatever the universe sends our way — "visitors" or "guests" —  and serves as the foundation for my latest book, My Guest Book