Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Remembering Philip Anderson

Here's the article that planted the seed of this new memoir:

I read this article by my friend Philip Anderson shortly after he wrote and published it. In response to his thought-provoking article, I wrote a blog post... and told him so in the form of a comment:

Dear Philip:

I was delighted to hear your voice and enjoyed listening to your story. Thanks for sharing it!

Reading your article made me think about some of my own memories and inspired me to write a blog post about the smell of rose water ( and all the memories associated with it – those of my time spent with my grandmother, who passed away over a decade ago. It also inspired me to dedicate this week’s blog post by Gratitude Girl to my grandmother, whom I call Mamanbozorg – the Persian word for Grandma (maman: mom / bozorg: big).

Thank you for another wonderful article!

Though Philip is no longer with us — he died on October 28, 2022 — the impact of his work endures and continues to inspire.