Monday, June 17, 2024

Rule of Fifty

A few days ago, I saw a post from a friend on social media saying that finished a big book she didn't like and she felt like she had wasted a week of her life. I used to finish every book I started, but then I realized, about two years ago, that I didn't deserve to punish myself by forcing myself to finish a book I didn't enjoy just because I had started it. Since then, I have abandoned several books after reading around forty or fifty pages of it. And even with those I went too far because by the time I had reached page twenty-five I knew I had no interest in continuing. 

Today, I accidentally came across Nancy Pearl's rule of 50. Nancy Pearl is an American librarian, a best-selling author, and a literary critic who said that if a reader is under fifty years old, then they should consume fifty pages before dropping a book, and if a reader is over fifty years old, they should take the number 100, subtract their age, and get the number of pages to read before moving on to the next book.