Friday, August 9, 2024

Idea Incubation Phase

I've finished typing the "family album" in Persian. If you don't know what I'm talking about, read this short post:

Now, I need to edit it... and then format it. The editing seems like a challenge right now because I haven't written for publication in Persian since 1994 — and I just realized that's thirty years!!! 

Anyway, because it feels like a challenge, I'm procrastinating... and I'm fully aware of it. Many writers procrastinate, but I want to tell writers — or remind them — that procrastination breeds creativity. 

Some of the best ideas come when we’re not actively trying to think of them. So when we're avoiding writing by staring out the window or daydreaming or scrolling through social media, our brain is quietly piecing together the next book idea or plot twist.

How do I know this? I just had an idea for my next book... and created the outline for it — just this morning. From now on, I'm calling my procrastination my “idea incubation phase."