Sunday, September 22, 2024

Not All Paws...

I announced a few days ago that a new book was in the works...
Here's a little more on that:

This book, about a cat that has recently adopted me as its human, is different from my other creative works in that I'm illustrating it, too. I mean I am drawing and painting images of the cat — not designing images on the computer
. All the writing (and drawing) I've done the last few weeks has been about this cat, so every word I hear or read or say reminds me of something cat-related.

This morning, I wrote about the word so on my other blog:

In the blog post, I added a personal comment at the bottom, discussing the pause after the word so used as a discourse marker... because not all pauses are alike.

And my brain kept telling me "Not all paws are alike." 

I guess this is what happens when the brain obsesses with a topic for weeks?