Friday, March 7, 2025

A Persian Grammar Lesson

Some languages maintain a close relationship between their written and spoken forms, while others differ significantly in how words connect in speech. 

For example, languages like Spanish and Japanese tend to follow their written structure more closely in speech, with few contractions or reductions.

In contrast, in English, written words often merge or change in casual speech. Phrases like should have or going to become shoulda and gonna in everyday conversation. French also transforms spoken sentences — je ne sais pas (meaning I don’t know) is often shortened to chais pas.

Understanding these differences helps language learners adapt, especially in conversational settings where spoken language may not match the textbook.

A few days ago, I wrote an update on an old post about a Persian song on my other blog ( The name of the song is Roosarito, meaning Your Scarf

As I was analyzing the title to explain the meaning, the grammar lover in me added "It's the object form of the word." 

This started a Persian grammar lesson...

The word roosarito is made of three parts: roosari + t + o

roosari = scarf 

The word roosari is made of three parts:
roo (short for rooye) means on top of
sar means head
i (in this case) connects the two words above together.
The connected parts become a noun meaning the (thing) on the head.

t (added to the end of a noun) = your

o (spoken form of ra) makes the word roosarit (roosari + t) an object.
In Persian, the postposition ra ("را")  is a direct object marker. It shows that the word before it is the specific object of the verb.

The full sentence in the song titled "Roosarito" is Roosarito dar biar.
Roosarito dar biar. = Take off your scarf.

In the above sentence, your scarf is the object of the sentence, as is roosarito in the Persian sentence.

You can listen to the song on YouTube. It has English subtitles... and it's by Mehdi Yarrahi, who went through hell for making and singing this song.
