Seasons are not capitalized...
If the season is a part of a proper name, capitalize it.
Proper names are always capitalized.
If the season is the first word in the sentence, capitalize it.
The first word in a sentence always begins with a capital letter.
Otherwise, seasons are not capitalized.
Here are ten sentences in which the seasons are used:
Spring* brings new life to the garden as flowers bloom.
We spent the entire summer at the beach, soaking up the sun.
The crisp air of autumn makes it perfect for long walks.
Snow covered the ground in the dead of winter.
She always feels most alive in spring, when the world seems fresh and new.
The heat of summer made everyone crave ice cream.
Autumn* leaves crunched beneath our feet as we walked through the park.
They built a snowman together during the first snowfall of winter.
9. The festival Spring* Fun takes place every spring when the cherry blossoms are in full bloom.
10. By the end of summer, the days start to feel a little shorter.
The only times the season is capitalized is when it's at the beginning of the sentence or part of a proper name.